Friday 28 September 2007

Determined to Grow

Black women can't grow hair except....[fill in whatever stereotype you like].

I am of Fulani and Efik descent and both have been known for their physical attributes (beauty and hair :o) ). I've never really had hair as long as my family members (on both sides) but I have now made a conscious decision to grow my hair out, because I can. In the last year I have found a variety of resources that have shown me with good hair care my hair can flourish. And it has begun to.

I have had my hair blond since I was about 16 with a few weeks/months experimenting with tones closer to my natural colour. But I am a blond and happy about it. So I have decided to grow my hair to waist length in the next three years maintaining my colour choice (medium to honey blond) although I may change up the colour the goal stays the same. I will post on my progress and pass on information for anyone else that wants grow or maintain their own healthy hair. I will also make posts on how to build a basic regimen as well as information for caring for colour and/ or chemically treated hair. I may also feature a beauty treatment or method that interest me. Please leave comments and I will try to respond as best I can .

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